Northern Marianas College (NMC)’s Regent Nominating Committee is seeking one (1) prospective individual to serve as a member of its Board of Regents. This prestigious position offers a unique opportunity to contribute to the strategic direction and governance of the College. We invite applications from individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences who are passionate about higher education and committed to advancing the College’s mission of cultivating stewardship through scholarship.

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Career and Student Employment

Your Career Services!

Career Services is your passport to your profession!   We provide an on-campus site for students to explore and pursue their career goals.  Whether you are just beginning to think about careers or applying for student employment, internships, and more! 

We can help with:

  • Career counseling and guidance;
  • Career Exploration; 
  • Career Assessment, Career and Education Planning, and Career Development;
  • Mentorship and job shadowing;  
  • Career Enrichment: workshops and events;
  • Student Employment aka Work Study and Internship Programs;
  • Outreach and awareness;
  • Job Placement; and so much more!

Your Career Won’t Start Itself!
give it a jump start

Whatever stage you are at in your career development, we are prepared to assist you every step of the way. We hope that you will find it helpful, but moreover, we hope you’ll come to see us and get your future started!  

Contact Information:
Neda C. Deleon Guerrero
(670) 237-6759
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Your Career Services!

Career Services is your passport to your profession!   We provide an on-campus site for students to explore and pursue their career goals.  Whether you are just beginning to think about careers or applying for student employment, internships, and more! 

We can help with:

  • Career counseling and guidance;
  • Career Exploration; 
  • Career Assessment, Career and Education Planning, and Career Development;
  • Mentorship and job shadowing;  
  • Career Enrichment: workshops and events;
  • Student Employment aka Work Study and Internship Programs;
  • Outreach and awareness;
  • Job Placement; and so much more!

Your Career Won’t Start Itself!
give it a jump start

Whatever stage you are at in your career development, we are prepared to assist you every step of the way. We hope that you will find it helpful, but moreover, we hope you’ll come to see us and get your future started!  

Contact Information:
Neda C. Deleon Guerrero
(670) 237-6759
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Student Employment Program

Want to work part-time while attending NMC?

Eligibility requirements

  • Have completed 15 college credits;
  • Enrolled for 12 academic credits or more for Fall or Spring semesters, and show intention to attend the Fall during the Summer semester;
  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher as required by the hiring department. For academic tutors, an accumulative GPA of 3.5, completion of EN101 and MA132 is required;
  • and, submit a current resume. 

Application Process

  1. Submit a completed Student Employment Application with your resume to the hiring department of your choice. 
  2. Hiring departments are responsible for contacting applicants for an interview.
  3. Upon the hiring department’s selection, student employees will be given a notification and given further supporting documents to complete: I9, W4, and allotment form.  

For more information, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Student Employment Documents



The #1 way college students find jobs

Handshake Poster


Discover Your Career Path with Handshake! 

Looking to launch your career journey? Look no further than Handshake – your all-in-one career services platform at Northern Marianas College!

What is Handshake?

Handshake is your gateway to exclusive job opportunities, internships, and career events tailored just for you. Connect with top employers, explore diverse industries, and access resources to ace interviews and land your dream job.

Why Should You Sign Up?

  • Personalized Recommendations: Handshake uses your preferences to suggest opportunities that match your interests and goals.
  • Simplified Job Search: Browse and apply for positions with ease, all in one place.
  • Career Events: Stay updated on workshops, fairs, and networking events that can boost your career prospects.
  • Build Your Brand: Create a standout profile to showcase your skills and catch the eyes of potential employers. 

Ready to embark on your career journey? Sign up for Handshake now and take the first step towards a brighter future!


Don't miss out on the chance to shape your professional destiny with Handshake.