Pokiyaki Signs On As ProaPerks Partner
Pokiyaki is the latest company to sign on as a Northern Marianas College ProaPerks Partner, joining many other businesses and organizations.
Pokiyaki is the latest company to sign on as a Northern Marianas College ProaPerks Partner, joining many other businesses and organizations.
Northern Marianas College is informing all community members who are interested in advancing their careers and furthering their education to attend NMC’s free information session on Wednesday, July 28, 2021.
THANK YOU! As part of an appreciation to NMC’s maintenance, grounds keeping, and security staff. NMC’s Staff Senate recently held an appreciation gathering to acknowledge the hard work that these individuals do on a daily basis to keep our campus safe, clean, and maintained for all our students, staff and faculty.
The Commonwealth Healthcare Corporation has announced that the COVID-19 vaccine will be administered, July 22, 23, and 24, 2021 from 9:00am to 3pm at Northern Marianas College on Saipan.
Northern Marianas College has announced that vaccines will be required for those students who are enrolled in in person classes for the Fall 2021 semester. Read the full announcement and FAQ section here.
Rota-based business Kin and Rit Enterprises is the latest company to sign on as a Northern Marianas College ProaPerks Partner, joining many other businesses and organizations.